Originally named Southern Cross III, 55m Lady A underwent a full refit during the summer of 2016 for a British Client. The yacht was originally built in 1986 by Sterling Yachts in Japan and was one of the original iconic yachts which marked the beginning of the superyacht era in the 1980’s.
The comprehensive interior refit saw Design Unlimited tasked with redesigning the entire lower guest and owner’s accommodation. The owner’s suite particularly was extensively modified and extended with one of the old guest cabins converted to provide the owner with an impressive study leading into an enlarged new owner’s stateroom. Both forward and aft saloons were also re-configured to accommodate the owner’s wish to create a less formal, calm, comfortable use of the space and the dining area underwent a complete refurbishment.
The refit also involved an extension to the aft end of the upper deck to increase the exterior seating and social spaces with a new impressive exterior dining area. The interior decoration scheme has a sense of glamour and luxury with detailed, textured fabrics which create a calm and comfortable ambience. The colour palette is harmonious as the colour schemes for each area are unique and yet the scheme flows throughout the entire yacht. Fabrics are from Zimmer and Rohde, Lizzo and Jim Thompson and Sculptural Porta Romana lighting add to the glamourous look.
The interior was manufactured and installed by the Brennan Group in collaboration with Shemara Refit LLP and the refit was undertaken at Burgess Marine’s facility at Trafalgar Wharf in Portsmouth.